Thursday, June 13, 2024

Attacking Southerners Again

I have recently encountered numerous individuals who seem intent on disparaging the  life and work of Robert E. Lee and those who fought for the Confederacy.

I am an American, I've been to war on behalf of our country, and I'm steeped in the patriotic traditions of America.  HOWEVER, though most Southerners were poor, and few owned slaves, and I would never have fought to preserve slavery, I would have fought against the invasion of the South in the war of Northern Aggression.  

While slavery was certainly an issue, the real issue is one which continues to trouble us today.  That is, should an elitist group of intellectuals along the Eastern Seaboard be allowed to dictate their morality, or immorality, to those of us in what has come to be known as "fly over country?"  

Force of arms is never best, until and unless all other options have been exhausted.  The day may once again rear its head when armed conflict between Americans over philosophical, cultural, and political issues is forced upon the land.  I pray it doesn't happen, but more and more forces in the hallowed halls of governance seem intent upon pressing down upon freedom loving Southerners and Mid-Westerners.  

Should such a day arrive, we can only pray that God raises up such a man as Robert E Lee to give leadership and impetus to those seeking a devout leader of men.

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