Saturday, June 01, 2024

Sham Trial in New York

My heart is heavy this morning as I ponder the outcome of the sham trial in New York.  As I’ve traveled the world, and been welcomed into homes in many diverse cultures, I’ve found the people with whom I’m visiting enamored with the greatness of America.  That greatness resides, I believe, in the fact that God’s hand has rested so heavily upon the governance of the land, and that governance was distinguished by justice in the highest levels of the land.  

Certainly abuses have abounded, and certainly when those abuses were exposed, justice was meted out.  HOWEVER, in all my readings, I’ve never seen such abuses of power as those exercised by the judge and prosecutor in their transparent attempt to prevent President Trump from being re-elected.  

“Banana Republic” is the phrase most often postulated to describe the high-handed actions of the political elite who seem to fear losing their positions so much they will resort to the most base of actions, even to the demeaning of the court system, in order to achieve their aims.

I do not know what tomorrow, or next year holds for America because once these walls have been breached, it will certainly result in more and more breaches until the walls fall, leaving only the “strongman” who is able to surround himself with loyal adherents, or a dissolving of the Union.  

I know that my peace is not dependent upon political action, but I also know that just as God led to the dissolution of the British Empire, so He can lead to a new union of like minded states joining together to build another independent country based upon the principles of His Word.   I pray for Revival, but if revolution comes, it will not take me unaware.

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