Friday, February 16, 2007

Tim Hardaway's Outrageous Comments?????

NBA Response to Tim Hardaway

Recently Tim Hardaway a retired National Basketball Association all star player raised the almost universal ire of both print and electronic media by his statement that he hates homosexuals. Hardaway was wrong. It is wrong to "hate" people. I would hope, however, that this does not continue the slippery slope of acceptance of the aberrant lifestyle of homosexuality.

One might find the practice and lifestyle totally abhorrent, but it is no less abhorrent than the sexual promiscuity promulgated by the heterosexual community in the NBA. I find it ironic that the NBA would make such a strong statement of condemnation of Hardaway while lionizing and promoting those whose lifestyles of moral corruption violate nearly every principle of a significant segment of society. Drug abuse, cheating, fraud, violation of amateur status while in college, attacking a coach, and attacking fans do not result in being “banned” from extracurricular NBA activities, but speaking harshly about those in the homosexual community do. Does the word “inequitable” seem to fit here?

The Dennis Rodman’s of NBA society are infinitely more detrimental to a well-functioning society than Hardaway. However, Hardaway articulated a position against a segment of society which seems to have an inordinate amount of influence relative to the size of its constituency. This ever growing influence is seen in the movement toward same sex marriage and legal unions.

One cannot but wonder aloud what would have been the reaction had Hardaway have said, “I hate fundamentalist Christians.” While I’m certain that some would have lamented his statement, it would have had little impact upon his life, and would have commanded little or not attention in the media. Yes. I think “inequity” is a very appropriate word.


Splinters of Silver said...


Bobby Cohoon said...

great post brother; I agree with you 100%
