Wednesday, May 02, 2012

A Word For Living: Attentiveness

One man defined "Attentiveness" as: "Showing the worth of a person by giving undivided concentration to his words."   Do you find yourself in conversation with folk from time to time, who it seems are hardly listening to what is being said, but rather they seem to be concentrating on what they will say next?  Those folk are difficult to enjoy being around because they're totally self-absorbed.

Give that individual a test and you'll find that he's barely cognizant of what you've been saying.  In training horses, it is important to gain the attention of the horse.  You can generally tell by his ears and his eyes if he is being attentive.  When working in the round pen, the trainer must be alert to a lessening of attention by the horse, and act in such a way as to once again have the animal focused upon him.  Should the horse turn his head away for more than a second or two, it is lost until his total attention has been reclaimed.

God is much like that toward us as we're in the round pen of life, and often lose our focus on our Trainer.  Our life round pens are not isolated, and the many disparate distractions to which we're subjected require intense concentration lest we turn our head away from the trainer.  Once the head is turned, our learning is ended until our attention is once again focused upon Him.

©                      2012             Mike Rasberry

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