Friday, April 19, 2013

Wild Horse Ministry Day

The day is upon us.  Soon the signs will be placed out on the roads directing people to the riding arena.  Ice chests will be filled and, along with the groceries, unloaded at the snack bar.  People who did not get the word about the modification of the activities will begin to arrive and have to be informed about the new schedule.  Horses will be saddled and loaded to be transported to the arena.  Cherokee, the horse to be broken, will also be transported.

The table will be set up to register people, and tickets for door prizes will be handed out.  The trainer will arrive with his entourage and equipment.  The grill will be started and the sweet smell  hamburgers and hotdogs, along with bar-b-cue sandwiches will permeate the air.

Then, once the equipment is set up to the trainer’s satisfaction, the opening ceremonies will kick of an exciting adventure where once again, man is shown as being God’s ultimate creation by training an unbroken and untrained horse to respond to universal principles to such a degree that the horse can be ridden without incident within a short period of time.  The horse will learn to pay attention to the trainers commands, and then to respond positively to those commands resulting in a horse which suddenly goes from being non-productive to being a productive instrument under the guidance of the man.

The same principles Paul uses to subdue the will of the horse, and bend it to his own will are the principles which God uses to bring men to realize their fullest potential in Jesus Christ.

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