Wednesday, December 09, 2015


“What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use—men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men—men of prayer.”
                                E.M. Bounds

The message we share with the world around us is only as effective as the life we live.  Holiness is the continual emptying of self and surrender to Christ.   When sin grabs our thoughts, we must recognize it.  The quicker we recognize it the sooner we can confess it, and be cleansed.  Our holiness is not dependent upon our ability to always think right thoughts.  It is dependent upon our ability to recognize wrong thoughts, confess them, and accept Christ’s forgiveness before we act upon them.

If we are to reach the world for Christ, we must allow Christ to flow through us.  The world needs to see His holiness manifested in us, and the VERY GOOD NEWS is that it is possible to live such a life.  Not sinless perfection, but continual awareness of His presence and willingness to be restored again and again.

I pray that today will be a day for you to experience the “Power of God’s Presence” in your life by living the “Christ in Man” lifestyle before the world.

From "A Word For Living"   ©   Mike Rasberry 2005

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