Thursday, April 16, 2015

Abiding In Christ

I hear much lamenting today about the condition of Christ’s Church and consequently the world in which we live.  Though not intended as an exhaustive list; among the plethora of supposed causes these are usually included:
    •    Ineffective Government
    •    Ineffectual Parenting
    •    Purposeless Education
    •    Self-indulgent Living

At the risk of being branded simplistic, I believe the answer to the quandary can found in John’s Gospel, Chapter fifteen.  Jesus is there speaking to His followers, about whom He says in verse three, “ are already clean...,” meaning I suppose that they are saved by faith in promise He has proclaimed.  However, He does not stop there.

Jesus, in verse four, issues a warning that should His followers not abide in Him, they will be fruitless.  Thus it is self-evident that one can be a genuine Believer while living a fruitless life.  It is also obvious that such a condition is a choice because Jesus, though not issuing a command, is seemingly warning them of the consequences of the failure to so abide.

He continues in verse five with the same theme saying that those who abide in Him will be fruitful, while those not abiding in Him can actually do nothing.  In fact, He says in verse six that one’s usefulness for Kingdom work is determined by the choice he makes in this particular matter.

If you and I are genuine Believers in Jesus Christ, we must purpose to abide in Him, thereby becoming fruitful and useful to His Kingdom work.  Such fruitfulness will result in untold numbers coming to faith in Christ, and just as those called Christian at Antioch were instruments of worldwide change, so you and I can become world changers. 

Would you purpose, with me, this day to spend time with Christ in Bible Study and Prayer, submitting your will to His and allowing Him to use you for His glory?  You can abide in Him, even as He abides in you.

©             Mike Rasberry                 2015

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